“Do everything out of love, not because you have to.” This statement by Francis de Sales is the thread running through the exhibition dedicated to this holy bishop. This year marks the 400th anniversary of his death.
Immerse yourself in the spirituality of gentleness, patience, friendship and freedom. Francis de Sales invites you to be yourself as best you can. The exhibition offers an overview of his life and thought.
Throughout the centuries, his vision has spurred people into action to live in love. Many congregations dedicate themselves to the sick and needy, to education and youth care, and to development opportunities in all countries of the world.
Even people who are not religious find his statements inspiring. His message ‘you can catch more flies with a spoonful of honey than a barrel of vinegar’ is still relevant and universal after 400 years. Certainly worth exploring.
That this exhibition is taking place in Museum de Schat van Simpelveld is no coincidence. The Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus were inspired by Francis de Sales. His spirituality can be found in several places in the museum.
For children there is plenty to see and do: an adapted information film, a treasure hunt and a creative table.
Initiators of the exhibition:
Oblates of St Francis de Sales
Salesians of Don Bosco
www.donbosco.nl/franciscus from-sales